Thursday 1 June 2017

beady eyes stare at large crate of Willy Wonka chocolate bars. Without thinking Augustus grabs the first bar and tears it open. searching. for a golden ticket he peers in,  with no luck he jams half the first bar in his mouth and starts on the second. His short spiky hair suits his red stripy turtle neck. Baggy navy pants hang down below his knees. Gigantic flabby folds bulge out everywhere. He looks as though he has been over pumped by a ball pump. Chubby cheeks sit on top of his Two broad shoulders. It looks like he has no neck. Horrible brown teeth rot away more and more every day.

By Ben

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Hi my name is Ben I am 11years old and im in year 7.
I am the admin of this blog.
 I love sport such as clay bird shooting,water skiing,hockey,cricket and mountain biking. I also love to go hunting and fishing. I have a Mum a Dad and a Sister